Thread regarding rue21

rue21 not closing, expanding, growth in 2017

That's the truth, honest - rue21 has been growing and people like the brand. There are no rue21 closing stores at this point in time but things change in retail and fashion is weird sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down, people. change. Tastes change all the time. So, rue21 may be doing well now but may have issues in the future.

| 251 views | | 2 replies (last April 9, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+g6AhybFa

2 replies (most recent on top)

The original poster has no clue! The company will declare bankruptcy in 2017!

Post ID: @hfmgl+g6AhybFa

So that's why bloomberg has reported they are going to be filing bankruptcy? Because the business is doing great?

Post ID: @heoqg+g6AhybFa

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