Thread regarding Charming Charlie

No more shopping at Charming Charlie. They're closing ALL of their stores.

This is very hard for me to write. Charming Charlie will be closing all of their 261 stores by the end of August. For me, they were the best fashion retailer in the world. Shopping in their boutiques was a unique experience and knowing that I won't be able to do that anymore after next month is... well, upsetting.

| 261 views | | 3 replies (last July 22, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+h4jrs0ca

3 replies (most recent on top)

While I have some issues with the term "retail apocalypse" I do have to agree that Charming Charlie seems to share the same luck as any other retailer this year. I never did my shopping here but by all accounts their stores were good. Shame it led to this...

Post ID: @ntw+h4jrs0ca

They filed for bankruptcy this month, right? This really is the retail apocalypse

Post ID: @vek+h4jrs0ca

My daughter loves Charming Charlie. Gosh, I don't look forward to seeing her mood go sour when she learns this (and she won't learn it from me!).

Post ID: @kfw+h4jrs0ca

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