Topics regarding store closing at 7 Eleven

Topics regarding store closing at 7 Eleven

Is my 7-Eleven closing?

What are some general signs that a store is on its way to close? Like if the store itself looks messy and so on, are those signs that things aren't okay and the store is preparing to close? I live in LA and the 7-Eleven on my street looks really... — read more 

7-11 Closure

I remember how it was such a major annoyance that this store closed. It was my go-to store for basically... everything. All of my essentials. Literally everything that I needed was in this store. It was super inconvenient to find a new store like... — read more 


The store next to East High School closed recently, curious to know the reasons behind it? I swung by now and then, and it looked fine the last time I checked. Also, is the closure permanent? If it is, is something similar going to open in the same... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1qfiSCPy
| Regarding 7 Eleven


I wonder if 7-Eleven will close here like it closed another store last month in Denver. I think it opened first in 2010 or 2011. That's more than a decade of being open. That's not a small number, not at all. I hope the employees could find a new job... — read more 

FL, 7-Eleven opens

Alongside a convenience store it will have a gas station and a car wash, which isn't unusual - but it's welcome anyway. They've been looking for busy trade areas and I think they might hit the mark with this second Parrish location. How is their... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+h1YKca0p
| Regarding 7 Eleven

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