Topics regarding store closing at Applebee's

Topics regarding store closing at Applebee's

Applebee's abrupty closed

Feeling pretty down today because I only have now found out - just a day before I would go visiting my friends in that area - that the Applebee's that was located at 89 Elliott Drive in Lebanon, Virginia has sadly closed on August 4th! I was planning... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+h5iH3hKj
| Regarding Applebee's

Portland, Applebee's no more

I was really fond of this Applebee's. I didn't mind the food or the service here. The people who frequented this place were really interesting and they were the main factor of me going here in the first place. Shame that they have closed here on NE... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+h59dzQ1M
| Regarding Applebee's

Goodbye Applebee's

Just found out about this so I'm apologizing in advance if this is old news to some. Applebee's not open anymore in Milpitas California (the one that was on Ranch Drive, you know the one). If you know which one I'm talking about then you don't... — read more 

Applebee's in Chanhassen?

Why did the Applebee's shutter their business in Chanhassen, MN last year? It must not be because it underperformed, that place was always packed. Were there issues with their lease or with the rent maybe?

Applebee's gone from Bend

Bend, Oregon saw its Applebee's close after 20 years of being open. I can imagine that that must have hurt a lot of people, especially half of its employees who won't be transferred to other Applebee's locations... Their lease expired and they... — read more 

Working at Applebee's

Is this working relationship normal? I feel anxious every time I talk to my manager and he finds faults with me (or with my peers) in everything I do - it doesn't matter to him if the fault is real or imagined. I'm worried he might do something... — read more 

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