Topics regarding store closing at Belk

Topics regarding store closing at Belk

Belk has now closed in Atlanta!

Belk closed the Peachtree Street store in Atlanta! Why??? I'm so confused. That store was packed with folks buying stuff! They obviously had a lot of traffic. I can't believe that it underperformed financially. It just doesn't sound believable at all... — read more 

| 17 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1uup3kJb
| Regarding Belk


The Columbiana mall Belk has so many problems. It's one thing after another from descrimination to homeless people in closets for days and now dead people. Yes recently a janitor was found in the family bathroom on the first floor dead. And that's... — read more 

| 333 views | | 2 replies (last September 23, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1iQcDubV
| Regarding Belk

So dissatisfied with Belk

I say this both as a former customer and as a (soon to be former) employee. Belk has disappointed me so much these last couple of years. The stores I've worked in Virginia were always disorganized and badly managed, they expected so much of us yet... — read more 

| 739 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1eEjk0n4
| Regarding Belk

Belk enters bankruptcy

Belk announced that they will enter bankruptcy recently. With the way their stores have been barely managing lately I had a suspicion something like this might happen. BTW, they didn't say they will be closing stores during this period.

| 573 views | | 1 reply (February 3, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+19eeNK3f
| Regarding Belk

Grateful for Belk Store

PLEASE don’t close our Gautier Belk store!MIMI It’s the only place we can purchase nice clothing, shoes, home goods & cosmetics. I am so grateful to have the store here in Gautier because I am 80 years old, & I am not able to run all up & down the... — read more 

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