Topics regarding store closing at J. Jill

Topics regarding store closing at J. Jill


The Wichita,Ks store looks empty. I used to going in there but the manager gives the stink eye and never smiles. She acts like she hates everyone. Then another lady won’t shut up. You barely get greeted anymore. I’ve left the store, I will shop... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1nH4C025
| Regarding J. Jill

Woodbury !

Excellent location. The previous time I shopped at one of their locations, I had a negative experience, but this one absolutely transformed my opinion of J. Jill. Kudos to Woodbury.

J. Jill is closing 11 stores !

Jill is struggling! No wonder! Who isn't in this climate? The company is closing 11 stores this year and it's more than likely that that closing number will only rise as time passes by. That's just depressing, isn't it?

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Post ID: @OP+hq9jYcWg
| Regarding J. Jill

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