Topics regarding store closing at Luby's

Topics regarding store closing at Luby's

Luby shuttered

Seems that the Luby's in Houston on 1743 Post Oak Blvd shuttered. Not sure why it shuttered but I know for a fact that it's gone now. Very sad since this whole ordeal could have been avoided.

Luby's Staff

I know that money can be tight and that you have to take any job that falls under your feet but sometimes that's not enough. Not everyone is cut out to be a waitress or cook and I wish more people understood that. Love Luby's usually, but their staff... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+h5z1EgLG
| Regarding Luby's

Is Luby's still in a bad place?

Just heard that Luby's closed almost thirty of their restaurants last year. Had no idea that they were doing that badly. What is the situation today? Are things looking up for them or is it the same as before?

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Post ID: @OP+h2UjNGpp
| Regarding Luby's

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