Thread regarding Olive Garden

Olive Garden on August 3rd

So I hear that Olive Garden is opening a new location next month on August 3rd. Good for them... I'm just wondering how long it will last in this current climate. It just doesn't seem feasible for that restaurant to survive since the chain itself is struggling lately. I hope it does survive though. I'm rooting for them.

| 373 views | | 2 replies (last October 8, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+hpCzlrxA

2 replies (most recent on top)

Please don't send any hate but is it just me or does Olive Garden have some issues with their cooks? Why doesn't the food taste good anymore?

Post ID: @dbawh+hpCzlrxA

I have doubts that the restaurant will survive too. We gotta be realistic about this and set our personal feelings aside when reviewing the situation Olive Garden has gotten itself in.

Post ID: @zip+hpCzlrxA

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