Topics regarding store closing at JCPenney

Topics regarding store closing at JCPenney


JCPenney's fall from grace is hard to watch. My cousin informed me that he got the boot in the recent layoffs the company just had. He took it hard. I feel so bad for everyone. 650 jobs cut, just like that.

Will JCPenney disappear?

Will JCPenney disappear? Maybe not this year or even the next but maybe in 2023? Will the company that we all knew for decades just vanish, just like that, solely because they faced so many troubles over the years? That's too sad to even imagine.

Like your store

Please tell me Owasso's Penney's us not closing there isn't much other than walmart to buy clothing I don't want ti use Walmart! I love your clothes and it is about the only place I can buy large clothes for my husband and son.


I feel so bad for JCPenney, I really do. The JCPenney in my neighborhood has closed not so long ago and it still s—s to remember it being open. It was such a lively place. Not anymore. I know it's not only my store that ended that way. — read more 

Tallahasse to Stay Open, but this round of store closings is just capitalism

The companies that can effectively get their products to consumers for the best value survive, and those than cannot go away. How many businesses failed decades ago because of these huge retailers? It's how the economy and society functions. Nothing... — read more 

Downhill Slide for JCP

JC Penney has been going downhill for years. There's hardly ever a lot of people in their stores and they never have Really good sales. They have 5-7% off sales and at the most 15% off once in a while.


JCPenney closing in Cleveland... terrible! Is there nothing we can do to bring the store back? I hate to see so many of JCPenney's stores close this way.

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